Page:The Moslem World - Volume 02.djvu/32

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(A Khutba translated from the Arabic)


[The Khutba is an address delivered to Moslems at the Friday noon prayer in the mosque. It is one of the earliest institutions of Islam, and has had great influence for the spread of the faith. In imitation of the style of these Khutbas, which always deal with the principles of Islam, the Nile Mission Press has recently issued a series of Christian leaflets based upon texts selected from the Koran. The Oriental has his own peculiar mode of thought, and what appeals to the Eastern mind may not appeal to the Western. The Khutbas have proved so welcome in Arabic speaking lands that 10,000 copies were sold the first month. This is one of a series, and anyone desiring to translate others from Arabic into English or other languages may communicate with the Editor, Mr. Arthur T, Upson, Nile Mission Press, Boulac, Cairo.—Editors.]

"A burdened soul cannot bear the burden of another soul."—(Koranin six different passages).

In the Name of God, the safe shelter and strong refuge; may He guide you to all truth and protect you from evil. Amen.

After that (i.e., invocation), we begin:—

The Koran says that a burdened soul cannot bear the burden of another soul, which means that every man is responsible for his own sins and enjoys the fruits of his own righteousness, every soul has (to its credit) what it has earned, and against it what (evil) it has acquired.

My brothers, though men in this life have brothers, friends, families, tribes, yet in the Day of Judgment they will be brought to account one by one, whether master or slave, since brother availeth not for brother nor slave for his master; "Dread the day when not in anything shall soul satisfy for soul, nor shall any ransom be taken from it, nor shall intercession avail, and they shall not be helped" (Koran, Surat el-Baqara, 117), but as the Gospel says, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Gal. vi. 7).