Page:The Moslem World - Volume 02.djvu/345

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The Moslem World

Vol. II
No. 4



Face to face with baffling problems in his own station, and conscious of the vast areas still unoccupied by missions and of the hundreds of millions untouched, the individual missionary may well grow discouraged, and let hope deferred make his heart sick. But the remedy for such discouragement is not to be found in a study of statistics. The things that are impossible by statistics are often possible by dynamics. Mere numbers are as nothing over against the power of Life. The things that are impossible with men are possible with God. In the struggle for supremacy between Islam and Christianity in the Dark Continent, the statistics are all on the side of the Moslem, but the dynamics are with the Christian. To those who believe the promises of God, who know the living Christ and have caught the vision of world-wide redemption, there can be no discouragement. We have on our side all the undiscovered wealth of God and His omnipotence.

Because they believed that prayer is the primary means for the advance of the kingdom of God throughout the world, and "being convinced that the present apparent inability of the Christian Church to deal effectively with the great problems of the evangelization of Mohammedans is due, above all else, to the weakness of the prayer life alike in the home Churches and in the branches of the Church which are springing up in foreign lands" the conference delegates at Lucknow made an urgent call upon Christendom to have far larger recourse to this great method of work. They recorded their intention to do all in their power to increase the number and devotion of those who will make intercession before the Lord, till He stablish His Kingdom and till He make