Page:The Moslem World - Volume 02.djvu/50

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2. The educational, comprising a thoroughly graded school system, frbm the kindergarten through to the college, theological seminary and medical school, in all of these the Bible being a regular text-book.

3. Medical work, including that of the itinerating doctor, that of the resident hospital physician, and the training of nurses.

4. Publication work, issuing school text-books in the earty days of the mission, religious books and tracts, and weekly and monthly papers.

The Bible Societies attended to the translation and printing of the Bible. Knowing the permeating quality of the Gospel, and all this mission work meant the Gospel, what must inevitably follow ?

The Moslem, vainly imagined that so long as Moham- medans were not allowed to attend foreign schools or Protestant places of worship, they would be quite safe from the influences exerted. And, as this young evangelical body began to grow and to exercise an influence altogether out of proportion to the number of its members, the proud Turk would smile and remark : " Let those giaours alone ; they have not enough sense to see that they are eating each other up." Large numbers of young men and maidens, of the most promising type, flock to the mission schools and, after years of discipline and study, emerge from these institutions with changed characters, changed outlook, changed ideals, and withal changed vision, to return to their own cities, towns and hamlets and enter the teaching, legal and medical professions, each one a power to reckon with.

Would it be possible to confine all that pent-up intellectual and moral dynamic within the narrow compass of individual, communal, or national life ? It was bound to overflow, and it did, till Moslems in large numbers, quite unconsciously, imbibing large draughts of that wine of life that inspires freedom, became literally intoxicated with the ambition that their fair country, too, might enjoy the inestimable blessings of the lands from which these foreigners came. It has freely been acknowledged by intelligent Moslems, that one of the controlling factors that inspired and hastened the bloodless