Page:The Musnud of Murshidabad (1704 - 1904).djvu/306

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[ 184 ]

courts were to refer it to His Highness, or to hear it in the ordinary manner, taking care at all times and in all matters, to pay every proper attention to the dignity and long established rights of the Nawab.

Regulation XIX of 1805 defined the form of address- ing and the channel of application to be observed by public officers in the judicial, revenue and criminal departments and to make applications to His High- ness.

The form of address to be observed in making applications to the members of the family of the Nawab Nazim were defined by Regulation XVI of 1806.

Regulation XIX of 1825 prescribed the manner in which the Nawab Nazim was to sue or be sued in the Courts of Civil jurisdiction. The Agent to the Governor General, resident at His Highness's Durbar, was to institute and defend suits on behalf of His Highness, from whom no security was to be demanded and against whom no attachment was to issue.

Section 10 of Regulation XVI of 1793, Regulation XIX of 1805, Regulation XVI of 1806 and Regulation XIX of 1825 were repealed by Regulation XXVII of 1854. Henceforth, civil process, to be executed within the precints of the Killah of the Nawab Nazim, were to be transmitted to the Superintendent of Nizamut affairs but criminal process to be executed therein were at the discretion of the courts to be likewise transmitted or not. Section 5 of this Regulation