Page:The Musnud of Murshidabad (1704 - 1904).djvu/69

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[ 29 ]

On ascending the throne, he expelled Ghasiti Begum from her palace and kept her in confinement. All her treasures were confiscated. The valiant Meer Jaffer Khan was dismissed and Meer Khadem ap- pointed in his place. Mohan Lai was promoted to be prime minister. These supercessions caused great mortification to Meer Jaffer and Rajah Dullavram. On receiving intimation of Drake's refusal to break down certain fortifications that were in progress at Calcutta, Serajuddowla attacked the English forti- fication at Cossimbazar and imprisoned all the English officers. He then attacked Calcutta and Fort William surrendered. The Black Hole tragedy was then enac- ted. The verdict of modern historians has exculpated Serajuddowla from his being an active accomplice of this wholesale murder. Four of the survivors of that night to horror, that added its gloom to the sufferings of the victims, one of whom was Holwell, were sent up by boat to Murshidabad. On arrival they were being led in chains through the streets of the city. Serajuddowla on his return, while passing in his palanquin, noticed the prisoners and at once ordered their release.

Serajuddowla required Jagat Sett to raise three crores of rupees from the European merchants trading in the country and on his refusal to comply with the requisition, the latter received a blow in open durbar.

The Nawab then marched against Souket Jang of Purneah and killed him in battle. Meanwhile