Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/10

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Dulness is a defect of the head, and is pardonable.—Wit, and spirited talents, are too often apt to run riot; their redundancy may sometimes draw vicious characters, and describe profligacy of manners in such seducing glowing colours, as to affect the imagination, to catch the attention of young people, into whose hands works of this kind frequently fall, and may have the dangerous tendency to lessen the horror they ought to feel at vice, and the detestation such characters should inspire.

The Author of this Work is a Parent; as such, she has been strictly observant that her writings should never offend against delicacy or common sense.—She has never dictated one page, or suggested one idea inimical to the precepts of virtue, or that should suffuse the cheek of innocence with a blush.—Here rests her merit; she has no other claims, and throws herself on the mercy of liberal and candid minds.