Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/115

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with it. Prepare to carry your addresses to the Lady Amelia; these are my absolute commands, which I expect you to obey, or you are no longer a son of mine."

"Oh! my father," cried Ferdinand,—"reverse that cruel sentence, command not impossibilities."

"I do not," answered the Count, a little softened; "an affair of gallantry has nothing to do with an engagement of honour, an union for life. You are young, and have been drawn away by your passions; but decency forbids you to continue your attachment whilst you are soliciting the Lady Amelia's hand: I therefore request you, Ferdinand, I will not command, I desire you to dissolve your present connexion, and let me have the happiness of seeing you established in my life-time. You are the only pledge left me of a too tender affection: Your angel mother died in giving you life; let not that life so dearly purchased render my latter days unhappy; let me meet her in the realms