Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/125

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amazement: "Good God! Ferdinand! how came you here?"

"Pardon me, Sir," said Ernest, much confused; "but from what I hear, my noble master is at the point of death; now, and now only, when he must solicit mercy from his heavenly father, is the time to try if he will extend that mercy, on his part, which he must supplicate from the Almighty."

"You are right," replied Rhodophil;—"Come with me to the anti-chamber, my dear brother, and I will procure you admittance, though all others are forbidden."—Ernest bowed and withdrew; with a beating heart and trembling limbs Ferdinand entered the anti-chamber, where Rhodophil's valet sat, who also started at seeing the unexpected guest his master brought in.

"Wait without," said Rhodophil, "nor at your peril permit any one to enter."—The servant quitted the room.

"Now," said the former, "I will go in and see the state our father is in, and administer a cordial to support his spirits."—-