Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/139

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"Impossible!" exclaimed the other.

"No, no, 'tis not impossible, the truth is out, and master wants to persuade her to go away to some place in Hungary, as if she runned away, and then they think Mr. Ferdinand will kill himself, or break his heart, or something, and then they two are to be married. This was one scheme; then another was, to have Mr. Ferdinand way-laid and killed, for if he comes home all will come out, and then 'twill for a certainty be murder among them."

"Good Heavens! what treachery and infamy! How did you learn all this, Peter?"

"Why, because I am in master's secrets; he can't do without me."

"Then I conjure you, Peter, to let me know all your proceedings; I will amply reward you, and God will bless you if you serve the innocent."

"Why, as to that, Sir, I know I am not very innocent to be sure; but I love you, for you saved my life you know, when the horse was going to caper over the mountain