Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/144

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before now been alarmed in a similar manner; but the words dwelt upon his memory:—What could be their import—"As you would avoid sin and death!" Good God! how shocking! He had not time, however for much reflection, the state his wife lay in chiefly engrossed his attention; he insisted upon medical advice, and a physician was sent for. Before he could make his appearance distraction had seized her brain; she talked wild and incoherent, of death, murder, Rhodophil and Ferdinand! When the Doctor came he declared her in a frenzy fever, and methods were taken to lower it so effectually, that in a few hours she lay quite in a torpid state, insensible to every thing round her.—Poor Ferdinand withdrew for a few moments at the request of Rhodophil.

"Alas!" cried he, "is this my welcome! Have I returned home with the dear delight of being happy in the bosom of my family, and must this dreadful prohibition cause me consummate wretchedness!"