Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/150

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She had just began to show some signs of recollection, but the moment he appeared she shrieked and turned from him. His little boy Charles was in the room; he ran to his father: "My mamma will not speak to me, will not kiss me; indeed, papa, I have not been naughty."—The artless voice of innocence overcame Ferdinand; he struggled to repress his emotions, but the big drops rolled down his face. He embraced his child, then turning to her, "Claudina! my dear Claudina, will you not speak to us?" She turned her head, her eyes met his, she groaned, and averted them to the child. "My poor boy!" exclaimed she. He ran to her arms. She embraced him: "Go, go, my child, to your father." Ferdinand was deeply affected. He ordered the attendants to withdraw, then seating himself by her: "My best, my only love (said he) take comfort, you have been terrified, recover yourself, my Claudina." He would have taken her hand; she withdrew it. "Revere the voice of Heaven," cried she, greatly agitated, "obey its decrees, pollution is