Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/153

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Ernest (said she, with much solemnity) you are the faithful servant and friend of the family; on your fidelity I rely, and your assistance I solicit."

"Assistance! (repeated Ferdinand) of what nature, pray?"

"Have the goodness to hear me, Sir, without interruption," resumed Ernest: "I assured the Lady she might depend upon my readiness to serve her in every thing consistent with my duty." This was her answer.

"Some circumstances have arisen that render it absolutely necessary I should quit this house, and be separated from my husband; I wish to go away equally unknown to him or his brother: I am not destitute of money, and for this purpose shall use it without scruple. I intend to retire into a convent, will you assist me privately?" I assured her I would, and immediately took an oath never to reveal the place of her abode without her consent."

"How! (cried Ferdinand) is this your affection for me? And do you think I will