Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/163

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she had behaved imprudently, yet surely it is impossible."

"Something certainly lay heavy upon her mind (said the Count;) women are inexplicable beings; she may have deceived you; I do not say she has, because I know nothing; but some cause there must be, and all that I can advise you is, to forget her."

"How easy to advise where the heart is not interested! To forget is a hard lesson, memory given to us for a blessing, but too often proves the source of the bitterest sorrow; and my hopes of happiness are clouded for ever. One only request I have now to make."

"What is it?" asked Rhodophil, with some emotion. "As the unfortunate Claudina has entirely secluded herself, tell me, has she the means for her support?" The other hesitated a moment, then taking the paper from his pocket, which he had been gazing on, he gave it into his hands, that will satisfy you," said he. These were the contents: