Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/165

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from a wretch like me all good wishes may be reversed; yet Heaven will distinguish between the innocent and the guilty; the 'awful voice' convinced me of that truth, and bids me fly from the world for ever! May the warning be extended to others guilty as myself.


"Strange mystery!" cried Ferdinand; those two persons that 'know all!' What is that dreadful all? O, how torturing is this doubt! Ernest is one (he has confessed it) that enjoys her confidence; but he has declared no force on earth shall induce him to betray her. Who the other is I know not; but no doubt she was well advised in her choice of confidants. Her own words pronounce her 'guilty,' but of what? What guilt can she have committed? Where had she the opportunity?"

"It is in vain to puzzle ourselves with conjectures," answered Rhodophil; "time only can develop the mystery, and we must endeavour to be content until that period