Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/167

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us comfort each other, resign your commission, partake an equal share with me, and let me have the satisfaction of contributing to your returning peace. We will take a tour into Hungary; I have an estate there I have never seen. You will be amused. Pray oblige me."

"I thank you most sincerely (answered Ferdinand;) but my resolution is taken, and I intend to ramble, I neither know nor care where, chance shall be my guide."

"That is a ridiculous, romantic idea (said the Count;) you may encounter a thousand accidents by such a scheme, with scarce a possibility of being amused without a companion, or any plan in view." Ferdinand made but a slight answer, yet sufficient to convey his determination, and the entrance of company drove him from the room.

Ernest only was admitted into his confidence, and with him he consulted about the disposal of his son Charles. As there was an excellent academy at Baden, they thought it best he should be there, because Ernest