Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/169

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between the Emperor and his opponent, and that the troops were ordered into winter quarters, consequently there was no necessity for resigning his commission, as he might have leave of absence for a few months.

Rhodophil appeared to regret his design, yet nevertheless furnished him with a handsome sum for his expenses, and requested he would draw freely upon him whenever it was necessary. Charles was informed his mother was gone a journey (and after a time Ernest was to acquaint him that she was dead.)—The same information was circulated in the family, though not as readily believed, for every one concluded she was run away from her husband unknown to them all: But Charles, who was only three years old, gave easy credit to any thing he was told, and in his new situation, where Mr. Dunloff, the nephew of Ernest, paid him the attention of a father, and he had a variety of young companions (a thing quite new to him) he soon ceased to lament the loss of his real parents, and was delighted with the change of residence.