Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/190

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was the man before him. A large court, overgrown with weeds, led to another wall, with a pair of gates similar to those he had passed, and discovered no more of the building than the lofty battlements and high turrets he had discerned on his first approach. On one side of the court was an old low building, to which the man conducted him. They entered a hall lined with the huntsman's trophies, covered with dust; through that they went into a smaller room, where a table, some benches, and a fire place, had the appearance of having been once inhabited.———"You may rest here (said the man) and I will bring you some food; but if you stir one step beyond, your death will be the consequence."

Ferdinand, instead of being intimidated found his curiosity greatly excited, and though he quietly acquiesced with the prohibition, yet his thoughts were employed in considering on means to obtain further knowledge of these ruins and its inhabitants. Some time elapsed before the man returned with bread,