Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/22

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him and his family, and was come to wait on his Lady to the Castle.

Ferdinand, roused by the entrance of his good old friend, soon informed him of the impossibility of their immediate removal, from his wife's situation, and also of the deception he had been compelled to give into.—"She does not as yet know of my father's death (continued he;) her too susceptible heart would sink under the knowledge of what my sufferings must be in such circumstances; by degrees, as her strength returns, I must reveal the dreadful truth:—But, oh! my friend, I cannot live a burden on the bounty of a brother, something I must resolve on, and if his kindness protects my wife and children, I will endeavour to support a separation from all that is dear to me, and carve out my own fortune by my sword.

Ernest had nothing to answer against this resolution but affectionate regrets, he had but too much cause to think the intention