Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/259

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which for the present was all he sought for. They went towards the other wing through a long gallery, which terminated with a large door; here they tried their keys, and at length found the right; on opening it a dark staircase was before them; they now concluded a light would be necessary, and Francis was sent back to procure one.

On his return with a lamp, they descended the stairs into a long vaulted passage. On one side were three rooms that had once been inhabited as domestic offices; they proceeded until their progress was impeded by an iron door: Here also they tried their keys, and opened it, there was another descent of a few steps, and the bottom seemed a damp, cold dungeon.—Ferdinand stopped, and speaking aloud, "Is there any person confined in this place?"

A faint voice replied, "Yes, two wretched beings!" The sound appeared to be near them, but still deeper; they moved a little onward, and perceived another door, with two strong bolts drawn across; these were