Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/261

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"Yes," replied the poor wretch; "many years I have struggled with life, but wonder not at me, look yonder;" he pointed to the other side, where on advancing they perceived another iron door, and a little on one side a small opening in it, through which another human face was visible, but more emaciated than the other.—"Have we a key for this door?" cried Ferdinand, inexpressibly shocked.

"That door," answered the man, "is seldom opened," in fact none of their keys were large enough.

"O," said Francis, "I recollect a large heavy key hangs on one side of the chimney piece."

"Will you venture to fetch it, or will you remain here whilst I go back?" asked Ferdinand.

"O Lord, Sir, I'll fetch it; stay here!" repeated he, looking fearfully round the place, and at the shocking figure before him, "No, no, I'll make what haste I can." He took the lamp and hastened off. The faint