Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/268

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to thank her deliverer in the warmest terms. Ferdinand proposed her retiring to bed, the one he had slept in Francis had prepared for her; he lamented the impossibility of procuring her linen and necessaries for the present.

"It is not impossible," said the Gentleman suddenly, "but that our trunks and clothes are still here, though perhaps decayed by time."

"I'll be hanged," cried Francis, "if those trunks, in a room next to this Gentleman's, ben't the very ones, for there they have been locked up ever since I came here."

On this hint Ferdinand sallied forth with his bunch of keys to the room mentioned, where the trunks were deposited, and after trying several keys to no purpose, Francis was dispatched for an instrument of some kind to break them open, which with much difficulty they at last effected, and found them full of clothes and linen for both sexes; also some children's necessaries, which last rather surprised Ferdinand; they however selected