Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/283

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pleasure, and for her to obey. After we retire from dinner, your desires shall be confirmed." I left him under perturbations difficult to describe; joy, hope and fear, assailed me at once. I had no doubt of her compliance with the commands of her father, but I feared her heart would have no share in her obedience."

"After dinner we retired to the saloon, my mind was so extremely agitated, that my emotions attracted the observation of Eugenia, nor did the uncommon spirits of the Count pass unnoticed: She viewed us alternately with a mixture of concern, and curiosity depicted in her countenance, which I well understood, and when we entered the saloon, as I led her to a seat, I felt her hand tremble in mine. The Count scarcely permitted us to be seated, and the servant to shut the door, before rising briskly, and taking his daughter's hand, "My dear Eugenia, (said he, abruptly) our worthy friend and preserver Baron S———**, has done us the honour to solicit an alliance with us; yes, my child, he offers his hand to your acceptance.