Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/33

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one to the other: "How came I in this apartment?" demanded he.

"We heard a sudden scream," answered Ernest, "and entering the next room found you on the floor; we brought you here, and, thank Heaven, you are recovered."

"Recovered!" repeated Ferdinand,—"Good God! what have I——."

"You may leave the room," said Ernest to the girl.—She obeyed.—"Dear master," continued he, "compose yourself, why, would you wound your heart by a sight?"—

"A sight!" repeated he again: "Ernest, dear Ernest, deem me not visionary or mad; but credit me, when I declare to you I have heard my father's voice pronouncing the blessed words 'Pardon and peace.'"—Yes, such were the words; it was not the effect of fancy but a reality; the voice still hangs upon my ear, and I will now believe, that the spirit of the good and just man may be permitted to convey happiness sometimes to the wretched. My bosom seems lightened, my