Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/35

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have known more true felicity, for my Claudina justifies my choice; she is the best of women, and of wives."

"Then, Sir, you have more happiness than falls to the lot of thousands, and therefore should be content; but pray walk down, your brother, my Lord, the Count, is expecting you." With a look of awful veneration and sorrow, Ferdinand threw his eyes on the opposite room, and without speaking descended to the saloon.

Rhodophil rose and embraced him, and, without reverting to the melancholy visit he had been paying, congratulated him on the safety of his wife, and the birth of his daughter. "I trust (said he) she will soon be in a state of health to be removed hither, and will consider this house as her own:—Mean time, I hope, I shall be admitted to pay my respects to her."

Ferdinand, whose mind was in a state of agitation, equally susceptible to joy, or grief,