Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/37

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misfortunes, and her constitution, which has been impaired already by her regrets on this head, would be unable to sustain the shock. Will you then, my dear brother, vouchsafe to countenance the deceit, and excuse the omission of those grateful effusions you are so justly entitled to?"

"Mention it not (cried the Count) you owe me no obligations, I have merely performed a duty, and a sacred trust; I beg therefore neither you nor your wife will ever pain me by acknowledgments I am no ways entitled to; for had our situation been reversed, would you have done less for me?"

"No, by Heavens! (exclaimed Ferdinand, with fervor) that wealth would have been worthless to me without the participation of my beloved Rhodophil."

"I believe you (said the other) therefore here ends the chapter of obligations and thanks, for we are friends as well as brothers."

They then entered upon some consultations on domestic affairs, after which Ferdinand