Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/47

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vice. Rhodophil applauded his spirit, and observed, 'that a young man, with his brother's address and vivacity, would be a great acquisition to the army."

"Vivacity! (repeated Claudina) alas! it is long since that any traces of pleasure or vivacity have been visible in my poor Ferdinand."

"Then (returned the Count) he must be the most insensible of men; with such a wife, and such lovely children, I think him uncommonly fortunate."—At that instant the nurse appeared with the infant; Claudina quitted them, and retired into the house with her child.

"I think, brother (said Rhodophil) you seemed to express yourself feelingly on the subject of the war; have you any wish to offer your services?"

"I have (replied Ferdinand, rejoiced at this opening) nor would I hesitate a moment but on account of my family. I hope my dear brother can have no doubts or fears