Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/65

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sion upon my wife and children, I will place them in some decent cottage suitable to their fortunes, and then I shall depart in peace."

The countenance of Rhodophil underwent many changes whilst his brother was speaking, nor was his answer quite ready when he stopped. At last, "I know not (replied he) whether I should be most grieved or offended at your unaccountable proposition. Is not Claudina my sister? Are not your children my heirs? I never intend to marry; but supposing I should, would not my honour and fraternal affection compel me to make a handsome provision for you and your family?"

"A handsome provision I neither expect nor am entitled to (answered Ferdinand.) In this commission, you have procured for me, lies the extent of my wishes for myself. My wife has no right to splendid expectations, and my children shall be taught by industry to provide for themselves. The greatest misery of life is to be accustomed in early