Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/69

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my power to augment it, for I shall ever consider we have equal claims to the fortune of our ancestors."

He now withdrew at Ferdinand's request to reveal every particular to Claudina, and left him variously affected by the preceding conversation. "If I have wronged him by giving credit to erroneous reports, or suspicious observations, I must appear as an ungrateful and most unworthy character; and ought I to believe the perhaps mistaken representation of Ernest against a series of kind actions, particularly within those last two years, when interest could have no share in directing them to me, then under my father's malediction? Good Heavens! if I have wronged him, how shall I detest myself!" For some time Ferdinand dwelt on every favourable side of his brother's character with self-indignation, but soon other ideas obtruded. If he really had been sincere in the equality he talked of, would he not have seized the first moment to ensure it to