Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 2).djvu/138

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inherit my fortunes. To spare you painful reflections, I wish you to choose the Church, all circumstances may then remain known only to ourselves, and you shall find I will not forget that you are the son of a woman I once loved. It becomes you to preserve her reputation by submitting to my orders." I heard this long development in a kind of stupid distraction. I replied not a word. He mistook the nature of my feelings for sullenness.

"Sir! (said he, raising his voice) I see my kindness is thrown away; hear then my commands, and my fixed determination: If you comply, and return to the Church, I will endeavour to get you a proper situation; if you refuse, and chalk out a path for yourself, I will give you five hundred Louis-d'ors; leave France, and see me no more." These last words roused me in an instant; pride, grief and indignation, took possession of my soul.—"Since I no longer have claims upon your affection, Sir, since I am to live