Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 2).djvu/178

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He bowed upon her hand; "Adieu, my amiable friend," was all he could utter.

"May Heaven bless you," replied she, "remember our common friend, and may peace and happiness be the portion of both!"

When the gates of the Convent opened, grating on their hinges, and the Porteress appeared, Ferdinand's heart beat tumultuously: "What (thought he) have I a wife, a child, within those walls, and cannot I be permitted to have one look?" At the instant, when he was about to speak, to supplicate the Porteress for permission to see his child, the gates closed, and he remained alone. Throwing a reproaching melancholy look at the building as the grave of his affections, he returned to the Monastery, and obtained an interview with Father Joseph: That good man sought to tranquillize his mind, and promised to enter into a correspondence with him when a place should be fixed on for the conveyance of their letters.