Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 2).djvu/210

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tion, and is there no bed he can be put into?" At that moment the landlord came up:—"You see (said he, addressing the woman) my rooms are so crowded, that I cannot possibly let you stay here; I have no room for sick folks." The woman raised her head:—"What would you have me do, he cannot move?"

"Do!" cried he, "why let somebody help to take him into the out-house, he can't die here."

Ferdinand turned full upon him, and was going to speak, when a sudden groan from the woman, who fell towards him senseless, and dropped the head she had supported, stopped him from speaking. He caught her in his arms, as the servant did the old man, who, to his great terror, proved to be lifeless. All present crowded round those moving objects; Ferdinand conveyed the woman to a seat, and supported her until, by the assistance of water thrown in her face, and forced into her mouth, she began to shew signs of