Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 2).djvu/33

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window, a man entered the house, whose face was very familiar to me; I was on the point of going out when I heard him bargaining with the woman for ducks; they agreed about the price, and he said he would fetch them to-morrow. He left the house, and again passed before the window, when seeing him again I instantly recollected who he was; then I asked the landlady where he lived?" She answered, "He was servant to the gentry that live in the Solitary Castle."

"Ah! (cried I, interrupting Peter) and who is this man?"

"One of your vassals, Sir, who courted our housekeeper Agnes; his father was a substantial man, and we all thought it would be a match; but you know, Sir, after you returned from Count Zimchaw's, Agnes left you to go home to her mother, and I heard the young man went soon after to Vienna to live with an uncle. What has happened since I don't know; but I'll take my oath, this man I have seen is Mr. Arnulph, though they say he is a servant."