Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 2).djvu/89

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drew near, and their features were not distinguishable, I cried out, stop, and announce yourselves, whoever you are."

"Ah!" exclaimed a sweet but tremulous voice, "does not your heart inform you it is Eugenia?" I heard no more, but flew, and caught the trembling fugitive to my breast. Neither could speak, for words were inadequate to our feelings. O, the rapture of that moment never to be forgotten! "Lead the way to your house (said she) and every thing shall be explained." In an instant I recollected that I had embraced the wife of Baron S———: I withdrew my arms, but she retained one as her support, and with hasty steps, and mutual silence, we proceeded through the Park.

When we entered the saloon she sunk into a chair, and bursting into tears, "I see," exclaimed she, "that I am no longer the object of your love or esteem!"

"Not love you," I cried, dropping at her feet, "not love you, Eugenia!" I could say no more, for I was overpowered by a