Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 2).djvu/92

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sition, in such strong colours, as again staggered the fortitude the former had endeavoured to acquire; and at length she was persuaded by Agnes to adhere to her former design, and, by a kind of sophistry, not perhaps altogether defensible, she was induced to keep the promise made to her father of giving her hand to the Baron, and afterwards to effect her escape. This plan you know was executed, and it only remains to mention the manner in which she was so effectually secreted from all discovery.

"The Castle in which the Baron resided was large, and some parts of it entirely out of repair. At the back of the building were some ruinous apartments on the ground floor, which served for no other purpose than as a temporary shelter for the poultry, and a depository for their grain. The farthest of those apartments had a door, which opened to a descent down a flight of steps to a long passage which led underneath to an old Chapel, long before shut up, and entirely disused.—-