Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 3).djvu/156

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phitheatre which appears to be mouldering into ruins; but I had too much respect for you to ask any thing you did not seem inclined to offer, or to express a desire to pass beyond the bounds limited for my residence."

"I am not insensible of your moderation," returned he; "and 'tis in that consideration, I am tempted to extend your liberty. Come then, if you can walk. The morning is truly inviting." Ferdinand wanted no further invitation, but with much pleasure, followed his gentle jailer to the gates, which, having passed, they walked on down the declivities into the plain.

They crossed a considerable extent of ground before they came to the ruins of several noble buildings.

"Here," said Heli, "once stood the superb edifices of many Roman senators. In those adjoining fields was fought the memorable battle between Marc Anthony, Augustus Caesar, Brutus, and Cassius. By tradition, every step you take here is sacred, either from the battles of heroes, or the re-