Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 3).djvu/176

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"I possess health, and every wish of my heart. I expect soon to enjoy the blessings of Mahomet, the joys of paradise: My days are numbered, and draw to an end: I always keep a week's provision in my cell, lest, for a short time, I should be unable to quit it. Allah be praised; I wait his appointed time, which cannot be far off."

This simple recital inspired Ferdinand with admiration and respect. He bowed involuntarily before the good man, whose animated countenance corresponded with the purity of his heart. "Holy father," said he, "let me entreat your blessing. I am a man of sorrows: Captivity is the least of them: Let me have your prayers, that my latter days may be as tranquil as yours."

"Hope, my son—hope," replied Abdalla. "Trust in the Most High; so shall thy troubles fly from thee like a passing cloud: Thine enemies be cut down, and thy latter days be peace."

Heli, who grew impatient at this scene, abruptly reminded Ferdinand it was time to