Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 3).djvu/183

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that, from such a man, they had every thing to dread, should his expectations, or demands of a large ransom, by any unforeseen means, be fruitless.

By the time appointed, Heli entered, and carefully shutting the door, seated himself by Ferdinand.—"I am now going to prove my confidence in you," said he.—"Five days ago, I received intelligence, that my kinsman Ismael was imprisoned, by the machinations of his enemies. This event nearly concerned me; yet I hoped his relations and interest at Constantinople would preserve him. The contrary has happened; the last morning that I walked out with you to the grove, I was informed of his death, the confiscation of his effects, and the determined ruin of all his family.

"I debated in my mind, whether I should fly the approaching storm, and leave you to preserve yourself as you could.—Other thoughts suggested themselves: This government, not being very important, might not be immediately thought of. If I left