Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 3).djvu/284

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to him in the Turkish language, desiring he would not expose him, by calling Fatima his sister; but he disdained any other reply than the same accusation in German; upon which the other, greatly confounded, pretended to show much compassion for him, but made off as soon as he could; and he supposed some of his confederates had charged him with the murder of the Count, to get rid of him; but he now charged Ferdinand, his sister, and other accomplices, with an intent to murder and rob him."

"This," continued the interpreter, "was the account delivered to the men. Some circumstances seemed improbable; yet there were others not unlikely, because it was plain he had been robbed, by the disorder in the house. Two men were left to guard him, whilst three went away to repeat this story to the magistrate.

"They soon returned; we were ordered to wait here, and seize who ever should come to Heli. Mean time, an order was given to arrest this Ferdinand at the house of Baron