Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/236

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The officers came; they were placed in a closet adjoining to the room in which Ferdinand prepared to receive Fatima, or rather Charlotte. In a short time two women and a man were announced, one of whom proved to be Dupree, the man was unknown.

"How! (exclaimed Ferdinand) Dupree!"

"Yes (said she) Dupree. "Till lately I knew not that your sister was alive, and therefore, for poor Claudina's sake, I was entirely silent on a subject that must have injured you, without benefiting any one I know; but having accidentally discovered Charlotte, justice now compels me to speak."

"You lived then with Charlotte's mother?" asked the Count; for the sight of Dupree had recalled such a train of unpleasant ideas to Ferdinand, that he could not speak.

"Yes (replied she) before the Count paid his addresses to her. He finding she was virtuous, and above all his offers, at length determined to marry her unknown to his