Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/238

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mother came a visiting to his house, he then fell in love with her, and basely used both wives.

"My mistress sent for him, and threatened to disclose the marriage. He laughed at her, the priest was dead, she had consented to appear at his mistress, his present wife had powerful friends, and every one would be convinced her claim was only founded on malice and revenge; he therefore defied her power.

"Just at this time a young Nobleman, high in the army, whom I shall name by and bye, who was distractedly in love with my mistress, made her the most liberal proposals of a good settlement. She, in a fit of passion and resentment, accepted his offers, and left Baden with him, though she sent word to the Count she would always hold a rod over him, and some day or other prove the rights of her child.

"With this Nobleman she resided till his death, and Claudina was his daughter. They