Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/248

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"I may now (said she) confess the truth; the story of the marriage was false. My mistress left a good sum of money behind her. Keilheim is my brother: We lived upon it while it lasted, but he gambled a good deal, and it soon went. I had intended to make a good price of Charlotte, but she disposed of herself, and I had only a trifle; then I determined to apply to Count M———, who really is uncle, by the father, to your late wife; but he was abroad.

"Keilheim went as a valet de chambre to an English Gentleman, and left me what he could. I settled at Baden, and had an intention of applying to Count Renaud, and passing Claudina upon him as his daughter, by saying she was older than she was; but then I feared he might take her from me to provide for her, and I should only get a trifle, as I know he never liked me; therefore I thought the only way was to sell her for a good price. You fell in love with her; I had other offers which I wanted her to ac-