Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/45

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Ferdinand, that they almost threw him backwards. They were staggered, and retreated; for he stood in a narrow path way; the gentlemen were advancing in front; he stepped in after them, and instantly saw that Fatima was in a man's dress, and the man wrapped in a loose robe of her's, with a long cloak and woman's head dress.

She as quickly knew him, and gave a violent scream.

"Be silent," said Ferdinand, "or you are undone; you are traced and discovered; if you attend to me, I will preserve you from punishment; but first return to me the casket of jewels which belongs to Heli, who is alive, and out of danger.—The man you seduced to join in the theft, and then deceived, is in my custody; he had discovered all the Count's designs, and your baseness."

The valet, with the weakness that generally attends little minds, when convicted of guilt, fell at Ferdinand's feet.

"Preserve my life, Sir, and I will give up every ———."