Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/108

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"Not on my account," interposed Dick, warmly. "If Mr. Shanks is a friend of the family he has a right to know the reason of a stranger being here."

"These young girls 'ere, sir," explained frightened Martin Shanks, "have no parints to take care on them, an' I says to meself, when Mis' Williams wuz a lyin' dead here, that I'd see no harm come aninst them while I wuz about."

"That was very good of you, Mr. Shanks," cordially replied Dick, and then, bidding the girls good night, he left. Martin Shanks, wishing to see the stranger well out of the neighborhood before he quit his post of guardianship for the remainder of the night, accompanied Dick as far as Broadway, and Dick was not sorry to have his escort.