Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/110

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ently the door opened, and an old man, with such a decided roundness of the shoulders that it was almost a hump, felt with his cane the way before him and apparently finding everything all right entered and closed the door. A little, short-tailed, spotted dog, with a world of affection bound up in his black-and-white hide, slid in beside the man's uncertain legs, and now stood wiggling his body with a wiggle that bespoke affection for the man.

"Maggie, is you ready for me and Fritz?" he asked, timidly,

"Yes, Gilbert," she replied, gently, and she went to him and guided his uncertain feet to a chair which stood before the table.

"The young gentleman who was so good to Dido is here," she explained, and he lifted his head quickly as if he would like to see. At this, Richard very thoughtfully came forward and taking the old man's shaking hand, gave it a warm pressure.