Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/118

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best thing—we will try to do it; Maggie is so anxious to find her."

"I can easily do for you all that can be done," Dick replied. "If you can give me a description of her, I will send it to Police Headquarters and have them search for her."

"She was slender, and had a lovely white complexion and blue eyes, and black hair," Dido began, Richard writing it in a little notebook.

"Was she tall or short?" he asked, pausing for a reply.

"About my height—don't you think so, Maggie? I'm five feet four and one-half inches."

"How was she dressed?"

"She had on her black alpaca dress, and wore a round black turban, with a bunch of green grass on the back of it," said Dido.

"And she carried her light jacket along to wear home, 'cause mother thought it would be