Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/137

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dark-eyed girl, with very white brow, and very red cheeks, and very dark shadows about her eyes, and very, very golden hair. See her smile and talk to that insipid-looking man, with an enormous nose and bald head and eye-glasses, whose 'villain's mustache,' carries a sample of everything he had for dinner. Now can't you picture that pretty girl is some ballet girl ambitious to rise. He, a man of means and influence, and she forgets his looks and that he talks through his nose, and tries to impress him with her ability."

"Hum!" said Richard, giving Dido a strange smile. "I'm afraid my imagination is not as great or as charitable as yours. Tell me what you think of the party to our left."

"That poor little man without legs?" asked Dido, quick tears coming to her eyes. "He has a bright, happy face though, and he has diamonds—many of them, on his fingers.