Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/140

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her. Do you think it is possible for you not to recognize her?"

"No, indeed! I'd recognize Lucille Williams anywhere," Dido replied, earnestly.

"My private opinion—don't tell Maggie—is, that she tired of her family and home and that she took herself to better quarters and means to keep them in ignorance of her whereabouts, fearing they would ask her to give towards their support."

"I hardly think Lucille was as heartless as that," thoughtfully replied Dido. "She was vain and fond of dressing, but I don't think she would be as mean as that."

"What were her habits?" asked Dick.

"Habits? What she did regularly? Well, she used to go to Coney Island and Rockaway and such places in the Summer, with some boys she met in the places she worked, but after she got work in the office at the factory where we worked, she got very steady