Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/156

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was private or hired, but he "guessed" it wasn't a livery hack, "cause the harness jingled."

The other and brighter messenger said the man was young, denied the soft felt hat and pronounced the carriage a hired one.

* * * * *

Richard hurried through his dinner, possessed of an unusual feeling of happiness, and went for Dido Morgan to spend their last evening in their peculiar search for Maggie's sister.

To-morrow Penelope would be home, and he had learned something. If ever so little, still it was something, and now that he had made such a successful start he began to feel hopeful of a final success. He knew now where the dress had been made and he knew a man had called for it. He had engaged the two messenger boys, and with them he intended to search the town over for the man