Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/222

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Lucille thought contained a change of clothing, in the dog-cart. I drove off quickly to the Park.

We had not more than entered the Park when Lucille yawned and complained of feeling drowsy. I drove on, listening intently for any sounds that would indicate the presence of any one. Reaching a bend in the road and finding everything still, I asked Lucille to hold the reins until I could get out to see if something was not amiss with the harness.

Drowsily she took the reins.

"Do you see anything coming, Lucille?" I asked, as I reached under the seat and, drawing out a sandbag which I had made ready in advance and concealed there, I rose to my feet as though to jump out of the buggy.

"No, Tolman; the way looks clear," she replied, slowly, as she leaned forward to look.