Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/228

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Woman-like, Penelope was in tears, and had as much pity for the unhappy man as for the luckless girl.

"I knew he was the man," Richard said. "When the messenger boy pointed out the man in the Hoffman House as looking like the man who got the gown, the resemblance struck me, though this man was fair and Tolman Bike was dark. The moment the resemblance struck me, the whole thing flashed before my mind. My ridiculous remark that probably the man was bleached, suggested to me the possibility of Maggie's sister having bleached after she left home. Still, it was all so wild and improbable that I tried not to think of it."

They decided only to tell the secret of the crime to those most concerned. That done, they effectually saved the name of Tolman Bike from deeper disgrace., little as he deserved it.

When Mrs. Van Brunt returned from the